Sunday, April 11, 2010
Muted Mouth .
I'm not given the chance to explain myself at times . i regret totally for not treasuring the times we had . Outings , small women talk , recess/lunch/dinner together . I always remembered saying you not treasuring me but I found out recently that is I din't treasure you at all . I'm the self-fish one who only knows how to complain and complain .
At times , I show my attitude out is because you're the one who show it to me first . More than once . and sad to say , you have reached my limits . Why can't old best friends be normal friends after not being best friends anymore? I always don't get the reason . Primary school same . Secondary school same . Thinking of giving up at times . Enough of people laughing at my post . Enough of everything . Why can't people just give me a private place like this blog to show my true feelings out ? Not to laugh but to understand me . I realise that noone now is actually here to share my joy , my sorrows , my everything . What's the use of living now ? Not living for myself but to live for others . Putting a mask everyday in school to make sure everyone's happy and noone's not happy about me . Never show true feelings to people is one of the lesson I learn in school . I just want to be myself but this may harm my rest of the time in Greenridge Secondary . Must you people force me to leave this school ?!