Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Putting words into my mouth...
How come SHINee have songs for Noona only? How about those fans younger than them ? I haven't finished watch"Hello Baby" . Don't bear to watch with it ... Last 2 parts left .
I found a book called 'Academy Of Detectives' . Sooooo in love with it . Simply enjoyed dectectives stories .
I also never say anything about I don't like you at the first place or whatever , so you don't have to show me the attitude that tells people , ' I know you dun like me , I don't like you too' . I'm already trying my hell hard to be polite to everyone , or maybe I should say I'm always the one 迁就-ing people . Yet no one seems to care about it ...
Always say my temper is bad ? It's not that I got angry for no reason ? Got reason de obviously =_= . You should accept how I am cos everyone is born differently , you can't expect me to be totally the same with you .
Ah !!! For the <5 times I am using the FUCK word in my blog !
Fuck my world !!!!!!!!!! Hope there's really someone who understand me . T_T Currently , I'm almost having no good friends in class ~ ....
Today marks 3months have passed after my birthday ... So many things can change in just 3 months ... I missed the good times we had 3months before .